Real-Time Interactive Shape Editing Design Using OpenGL

  • hla myo tun
Keywords: Interactive Shape Editing, Free-Form Deformation, OpenGL, Digital Geometric Modeling, Visual C .


Geometric design often requires the capability to manipulate flexible objects, including bending, twisting, compressing or stretching parts of the model or its entire geometry. The proposed approach comprises also shape deformations with multiple (real, auxiliary, and virtual) control points and constrained, directional, and anisotropic deformations. It allows a user to edit a given shape interactively and spontaneously.Our approach successfully suggests a sense of rigidity of the lattice, which is difficult in interactive shape editing approaches.Mathematically, the problem being addressed in this research work involves a Free-Form Deformation (FFD) of the features of the affine three dimensional geometry of the image. The algorithms primarily develop are projective geometry techniques, which form the basis for accurate deformation. Furthermore, these algorithms generally assume standardized images, i.e. no prior knowledge of either the shape, or its pose (position and orientation) with respect to the transformed coordinates. This project aims to develop a general framework for perform mesh deformation and editing in real-time. The prerequisites include C/C++, OpenGL and basic knowledge in differential geometry
